Organizers : Richard Deblock, Manuel HouzetSecretary : Marie-France MariottoCoordinators : Bernard Plaçais, Mark Goerbig
Some topics for this Plenary Session:
Superconducting hybrid systems (E. Bocquillon)
Dirac matter and valley-tronic, topological phases (B. Assaf, M. Potemski, B. Urbaszek)
Superconductivity in low dimensions (C. Brun)
Nanomechanics (O. Arcizet)
Coupling of photons and mesoscopic conductors (S. Florens, A. Anthore)
1D systems (G. Gervais, Z. Ristivojevic)
Mesoscopic physics with cold atoms (M. Kohl)
The meeting is open to all researchers interested by mesoscopic physics. The participation of young researchers (PhD students and postdocs) is particularly encouraged. Do not hesitate to submit your contributions.
Deadline to submit an oral contribution : 3rd Oct 2014
Deadline for registration : 17th Oct 2014
The number of participants is limited.
This year the GDR will not be able to fund every participants.
The accommodation is around 240 euros in double-room (shared), includind meals.
Please consider if you can fund your accommodation from another source (PhD students should ask their thesis supervisors). If you cannot fund your accommodation, register as soon as possible (to maximize your chances of getting the GDR funding).
All participants must pay for their own travel costs.
Crucial Information
Before 3 Oct : registration + submission of a contribution.